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Street-Fighting Astrophysics!
Professor Kevin Kimball, BS
U.S.N.- Retired
Achieve Student Login Spring 2025
PHYS 110 Syllabus
PHYS 110 Workbook PDF
PHYS Weekly Lectures
PHYS Week 1 Lectures Scientific Notation
PHYS Week 2 Lectures Metric System, Terms, Conversions
Phys Week 3 Lectures
PHYS Week 4 Lectures Scientific Method, Volume, Mass Density
PHYS Week 5 Lectures Vectors, Trig
PHYS Week 6 Vector Analysis
PHYS Week 7 Vector Analysis, Lab
PHYS Week 8 Lectures Judgment Day
PHYS Week 9 Lectures Motion, Acceleration
PHYS Week 10 Lectures Acceleration Demos
PHYS Week 11 Lectures Kinematics - Motion in 2 Dimensions
PHYS Week 12 Lectures Waves, Doppler, Hubble Law
PHYS Week 13 Lectures, Michelson-Morley, Special Relativity
PHYS Week 14 Lectures General Relativity, Black Holes
PHYS Week 15 Lectures General Relativity, E=mc2
PHYS Week 16 Lectures Finals Week
ASTR 100 Syllabus
ASTR 100 Lab Manual PDF
ASTR Weekly Lectures
ASTR Week 1 Lectures - Dark Matter, Dark Energy
ASTR Week 2 Lectures Scientific Notation
ASTR Week 3 Lectures Astronomic Scales, History (1)
ASTR Week 4 Lectures
ASTR Week 5 Lectures Special Relativity
ASTR Week 6 Lectures General Relativity
ASTR Week 7 Lectures Star Formation
ASTR Week 8 Lectures Cepheid Variable Stars
ASTR Week 9 Lectures Low Mass Star Death
ASTR Week 10 Lectures High Mass Star Death
ASTR Week 11 Lectures Neutron Stars, Pulsars, Black Holes
ASTR Week 12 Lectures Distance-Luminosity Modulus
ASTR Week 13 Lectures, Waves, Hubble Law
ASTR Week 14 Lectures Relativistic Red Shift
ASTR Week 15 Lectures, Big Bang
ASTR Week 16 Lectures Finals Week
Galileo's Sketches
ASTR Planetary Nebulae
ASTR Neutron Stars and Pulsars
How Large Is the Universe?
The Elegant Universe - String Theory
Space Travel Posters
James Webb Telescope Images
Sci fi-airshow!
The Elegant Universe
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